We developed this website together as a dynamic online version of our #360baleado installations. Massive thanks to Zanko Loreck for the amazing work on the design.
The project is now an online-artwork, giving you the opportunity to playfully dive into this world, read the interviews of all participants, see their portraits and experience VR-360° video material of the
The site is available in three languages (Portuguese/German/English) and accessible for readers with
visual impairments.
Putting this together has kept us and others very busy since lockdowns began and we are hugely thankful to the many people and institutions who have supported the project.
For us, the launch of 360baleado.net is a further milestone in an intense and beautiful journey that began as resident artists for the Vila Sul Residency at Goethe Institute in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil in 2018.
Never ending gratitude, respect and love to every participant!
#360baleado has been kindly supported by