Video Installation

We developed this website together as a dynamic online version of our #360baleado installations. Massive thanks to Zanko Loreck for the amazing work on the design. The project is now an online-artwork, giving

# 360baleado

Immersive installation and 360° VR artwork about the strengths and visibility of trans* communities in Brazil and Germany.

Photographer in Tamashima – Tama Log

Exhibition at Yumikobo Gallery, Tamashima/Kurashiki, Japan


LANYC is a dreamlike, hypnotic film drawn from footage taken on a 4 day train journey between Los Angeles and New York.

VENUS Exhibition Documentation

Multimedia installationMusic improvised by Will Saunders. Fuhrwerkswaage Kunstraum Cologne, 2013. Presented by KunstSalon Cologne. This exhibition shows video projections and photography, produced during a residency at Villa Aurora, Los Angeles


HD Projection on raised floor, Sound, 2011


2-chanel HD video installation, no sound, 2009 Recorded live, the performance JUPITER shows the artist, standing on ice in front of an oversized wind machine. As the machine rotates faster

Trostlied am Abend

4 channel video installation, sound, 5min, 2007 Trostlied am Abend, installed inside Deutz Bridge Cologne, 2007. Explanatory video. In this video installation, 4 Hantarex monitors display choir singers for Soprano,